Monday, May 13, 2013

Maliek (Tolb) Tolbert

My name is Maliek (Tolb) Tolbert and I'm new to blogger.  Im very cool and funny.  My blogs are going to be too.  I also will have interesting info in my blogs.  you wont be disappointed.  The reason for doing this blog is because my teacher made me for a class grade.  I really dont know what I will be talking about on here but I will try to find something.  I really don't even know how to work this website that well to be honest but I will try.  If you happen to like my blogs and like me.  Then you should follow me on twitter and Instagram @yungtolb_513 and add me on Facebook @Maliek (Tolb) Tolbert.  I'm also #TeamFollowBack.  Thats all I got to say I'm out. 

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